1 00:00:06,720 --> 00:00:16,530 Mary Rees: Thank you for joining our fall 2020 town hall. We'll wait a minute or two for everyone to come join us, but we appreciate you taking the time this afternoon to be part of this. 2 00:00:39,930 --> 00:00:44,790 We'll just wait it one more minute here while, people come are still joining the town hall. 3 00:00:55,980 --> 00:01:06,120 Well, thank you for joining the Moorpark College Fall 2020 Town Hall. This afternoon's meeting is going to be recorded. It also is closed captioned. 4 00:01:06,480 --> 00:01:26,910 So if you're interested in seeing the closed caption, please click the "CC" on the bottom of your screen. Today's town hall, has both options, the Q&A. So if you have a question about the material being presented, questions or comments please put them in the Q&A. If you have, 5 00:01:27,960 --> 00:01:36,120 wanting to chat with other members of the panel or that are also attending the town hall, please feel free to use the chat option. 6 00:01:36,660 --> 00:01:49,800 So we will have both the chat option as well as the Q&A. The Q&A will be monitoring and bring those questions up to whomever speaking at the end of their presentation, so that hopefully they can address the questions. 7 00:01:50,790 --> 00:01:59,640 We're going to have two main topics, that we will hopefully provide additional information, if we don't cover everything at this particular town hall. 8 00:02:00,810 --> 00:02:15,030 In the agenda for today, we're going to start with a welcome from our college president, then a budget presentation, followed by some question and answers, and then report outs from each of the social justice work groups. 9 00:02:15,930 --> 00:02:24,240 After each of the social justice work groups do their presentation we'll have an opportunity for questions and answers as well as input 10 00:02:25,050 --> 00:02:36,630 on some polls that we have available for that, and then we'll have closing remarks from Julius at the end as well. So shall we go ahead and begin the town hall? Good afternoon, Julius. 11 00:02:38,760 --> 00:02:57,810 Julius Sokenu: Everyone, excuse me, welcome, and thank you for joining us this afternoon. It's a pleasure to be at another town hall meeting with our campus. These town halls on opportunity for us not only to share information, but to engage the college community as we 12 00:02:59,250 --> 00:03:04,470 make decisions, as we address initiatives as they come across our community. 13 00:03:06,180 --> 00:03:10,650 My cameras off. Oh, sorry, I'll put my camera back on. Can you guys see me now? 14 00:03:11,970 --> 00:03:15,000 Okay, cool. So, could you go to the next slide please? 15 00:03:17,880 --> 00:03:23,970 Thank you so much. So as Mary mentioned there's two agenda items for today's town hall, 16 00:03:25,110 --> 00:03:33,960 and both agenda items are incredibly significant and important to the way in which we as a college community and a campus community 17 00:03:34,650 --> 00:03:50,280 not only interact and the ways in which we meet the mission of the college, but also in the ways in which we engage with our students and the larger community around us. First of all, the budget. I want to thank our Fiscal Services 18 00:03:51,330 --> 00:04:02,400 staff, as well as our Vice President of Business on Dr. Jennifer Clark, for the remarkable work that they have done and mostly from remote 19 00:04:03,780 --> 00:04:13,110 location to keep the college's business operations fully functional. Thank you so much Jennifer and the team. 20 00:04:14,160 --> 00:04:27,900 Just to give you a sense of this, as I said, we're in a time of uncertainty, we're in a time of budgetary social and civic unrest, and we're dealing with that but economic challenge that comes as a result of a pandemic. 21 00:04:29,370 --> 00:04:36,660 Our commitment as an executive team at this college and in partnership with Academic Senate, the Classified Senate, and with our students, 22 00:04:36,960 --> 00:04:47,070 is to make sure that when we work on the budget and as we're working in the budget that we safeguard the classroom and our services, both our business and our student services. 23 00:04:47,700 --> 00:04:57,360 What that means then is that we want to make sure that whoever is here with us now, and particularly whoever is with us in a full time capacity, 24 00:04:58,020 --> 00:05:11,700 that we're if we want to make sure we're able to retain them. We also want to make sure that we're able to retain as best as we can schedule so that we can maintain our cadre of faculty, and support service, and support staff. 25 00:05:12,960 --> 00:05:21,990 We don't make decisions at this college in isolation. We put the information out there, we engage in consultation with the stakeholder groups and with each one of you, 26 00:05:22,440 --> 00:05:38,460 and we ask for feedback, you can direct feedback to me, you can directly back to the vice presidents, to your deans, you can direct feedback to your senate president, or you can direct feedback to individuals whom you are, who you are, where are, in the process of that 27 00:05:39,480 --> 00:05:40,320 decision making. 28 00:05:41,430 --> 00:05:54,600 So no decision, as I said are made in isolation, and then, as always, when we talked about the budget, we're planning for the long term, with the mission in mind. Yes, we are facing a pandemic. 29 00:05:55,620 --> 00:06:00,630 As we all pray and as we all hope this pandemic will be over at some point, 30 00:06:01,020 --> 00:06:09,540 and this college will still remain doing the phenomenal work that it does, making sure that students are successful and that we're serving the needs of our community. 31 00:06:10,230 --> 00:06:22,350 The budget decisions that we make now need not be budget decisions that will adversely impact us for the future. So when we make those decisions now we're thinking of the future as well. Next slide please. 32 00:06:25,470 --> 00:06:37,950 We'll also at this town hall be continuing our dialogue and our conversations around social justice, and particularly social justice, as it as it pertains to this particular campus community. 33 00:06:38,670 --> 00:06:47,880 There is commitment from stakeholder groups across the system. There's commitment from stakeholder groups within our 34 00:06:48,780 --> 00:07:00,990 college district, and there's commitment from our senates, there's commitment from me, there's a commitment from the Academic Senate Council at Moorpark College, from our faculty, from our staff, and administration, 35 00:07:01,320 --> 00:07:12,510 and there's a regional organization called the VCCARA, which many of you are a member of that has made a commitment to addressing social justice, addressing racism, addressing social inequities. 36 00:07:13,380 --> 00:07:27,300 We at Moorpark College are responding in reaction to the Call to Action from Chancellor Oakley our State Community College Chancellor. In that call to action, you will see the list of 37 00:07:29,730 --> 00:07:42,630 I guess a call to action of charge that the Chancellor has posited to us so we're doing this we're engaging in open dialogue to address campus climate, 38 00:07:43,230 --> 00:07:54,990 we are auditing the classroom climate, and in with intention of creating an action plan to address racism and build curriculum that supports that. 39 00:07:55,950 --> 00:08:05,220 Our district board is reviewing our equity plans and engaging in conversations with stakeholder groups so that we can do better in the way in which we serve our students, 40 00:08:05,460 --> 00:08:11,850 our faculty, our staff, our administrators, and the way in which we advance the mission of this college district. 41 00:08:12,810 --> 00:08:21,990 We also need to shorten the timeframe for the full implementation of the diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda of the system, which means 42 00:08:22,380 --> 00:08:34,470 it is imperative that we are work on these issues we work on this concerns of racism, of inequity right now. It's not something for the future, it's something we build the building blocks to accomplish right now. 43 00:08:34,770 --> 00:08:40,170 We cannot solve it today. We cannot solve it tomorrow, but what we do is we continue to build the building blocks towards 44 00:08:41,340 --> 00:08:47,070 our ideals and our goals for ourselves and our communities. Next slide please. 45 00:08:50,220 --> 00:08:55,950 And on the part of this college community this has been a college community like no other 46 00:08:56,970 --> 00:09:05,610 in the way in which we have, in which we've embraced this work, in the way in which this work has been decentralized, so it's not just a handful of people who are doing it. 47 00:09:06,000 --> 00:09:13,590 We still need more people to join the choir, we still need more people to actively engage in the work, but certainly, there has been commitment across the board, 48 00:09:13,860 --> 00:09:18,630 and there's been engagement and I want to thank each of those social justice work group members, 49 00:09:19,080 --> 00:09:26,460 particularly those of you who are also working in sub groups because you're digging deep within your social justice work group and looking at how 50 00:09:26,850 --> 00:09:36,780 our actions impact students, how they impact your colleagues, and what our actions actually say about the campus climate that we create and that we hope for. 51 00:09:37,800 --> 00:09:45,900 So, a big thank you to everyone who served on a social justice work group, and thank you to the leaders, excuse me, of those social justice work groups. 52 00:09:46,500 --> 00:09:54,360 You have come, you have developed book clubs, lecture series. You have engaged in courageous conversations. You have built curriculum. 53 00:09:54,690 --> 00:10:04,110 You have shared resources and developed resources that are available on our websites. Our senates have come up with resolutions and each one of you in your own way 54 00:10:05,490 --> 00:10:15,450 are part of this work> Kudos to you and I thank you so much for engaging us today. I ask that you participate fully in today's 55 00:10:16,320 --> 00:10:25,230 town hall and then if there are questions or concerns as our town hall involves please don't hesitate to reach out. Reach out to me, reach out to 56 00:10:26,070 --> 00:10:34,140 your stakeholder leaders and we will definitely, definitely continue to engage each one of you in this work. 57 00:10:34,530 --> 00:10:53,910 I'm going to pass this on now to our Vice President of Business Jennifer Clark. Dr. Clark came to us three weeks before the pandemic and she has fully demonstrated that she has a Moorpark spirit and we're very glad that she's on our team and responsible for our budget. Thank you, Jennifer. 58 00:10:55,170 --> 00:11:12,810 Jennifer Clark: Thank you Julius. So happy to be Moorpark. So happy to be with all of you this afternoon to speak about what I can quite honestly, talk about for a very long time, but I would be boring you all with this. I'm going to try to be brief, but just hit on some salient points. So, next slide. 59 00:11:14,370 --> 00:11:26,070 I wanted to provide everybody some background before I get into the specifics of our budget, just to kind of remind everybody about the climate that we're in. So this is California, 60 00:11:26,580 --> 00:11:38,040 this is the system wide, right? So we know that we are experiencing a great deal of apportionment deferrals over about a billion and a half dollars in apportionment deferrals, 61 00:11:38,550 --> 00:11:45,390 to our unrestricted general fund as well as our SEA, Student Achievement program that's also being deferred. 62 00:11:45,600 --> 00:11:54,660 What does that mean, it means that we don't receive our cash as soon as we should. So really, this means it's a cash issue for the district, 63 00:11:54,870 --> 00:12:09,450 it's not really impacting college budgets, at this point, but know that it's a strategy that the state cannot continue to do, year after year. It's sort of a shouldering strategy, it's kicking the can down the road a little bit, but that's where we are right now. 64 00:12:10,080 --> 00:12:18,630 I did want to mention the Student Centered Funding Formula that we are technically in the third year of the Student Centered Funding Formula, 65 00:12:18,990 --> 00:12:27,540 and I have on the slide, just a reminder of what it's comprised of, the 7 2010 components. I do want to say though that 66 00:12:28,260 --> 00:12:49,110 only the first year, did we actually receive, so that was '18-'19 did we actually receive the money that we were allocated as a district and as a college by this Student Centered Funding Formula only in that first year, ever since then we have been only funded on a Hold Harmless 67 00:12:50,220 --> 00:12:59,820 level and so that last bullet as talks about Hold Harmless, and that is basically going back to our funding level at 2017-18, 68 00:13:02,130 --> 00:13:17,340 taking that level from three years ago, and then simply applying a COLA or a cost of living increase only to that dollar amount for three years. Now, incidentally, this last year and in FY 21, 69 00:13:18,390 --> 00:13:28,290 there was no funded COLA. So we only received cost of living on that three year old allocation two of the years have the so we're really down. 70 00:13:29,100 --> 00:13:47,160 I want, so the last bullet there on this slide, points out that overall as a district, our unrestricted general fund revenue at our adoption budget is that 170 million dollar number which is actually a decrease of a little more than $200,000 district wide from last year. 71 00:13:48,270 --> 00:13:49,410 Next slide please. 72 00:13:52,920 --> 00:14:08,280 So there is a little bit of relief, and I want to just to hit on this very briefly. You all know about the CARES Act, and you've probably heard about the COVID-19 Response Block Grant that the system 73 00:14:09,300 --> 00:14:18,030 has been receiving we, you know, as a college and the system has been receiving and this has really helped us mitigate the costs that have been associated with 74 00:14:18,660 --> 00:14:29,100 the COVID-19 pandemic. So costs, the obvious ones, you know, PP&E and cleaning supplies. They're also paying for our screeners so this allows us to have 75 00:14:29,370 --> 00:14:41,550 the on ground components of the curriculum of the classes that we're offering this fall. This allows us to be able to have those people in place so that we can operate in our, our classes in a very safe manner. 76 00:14:42,390 --> 00:14:53,940 It also gave or allocated over two and a half million dollars directly for students, which I've been keeping you all abreast of, we've allocated just over $2 million of that already 77 00:14:54,210 --> 00:15:00,420 to students in need that have been directly impacted by the pandemic, and then the last 78 00:15:01,050 --> 00:15:16,530 bullet there is talks about STRS and PERS, there's a system wide relief for this year fiscal 21 and next year fiscal 22 a temporary reduction in those PERS and STRS rates. So I do want to, 79 00:15:16,980 --> 00:15:29,970 I do want to point out, as I'll point out in another slide or a couple of slides from now that the cost of these still have risen so it's not like those costs for us have decreased, they have not. 80 00:15:30,420 --> 00:15:44,010 What the state has done is just maybe get the amount or the percentage or the rate that it would have increased otherwise. So we're seeing less of an increase, if you will, slide, please. 81 00:15:46,890 --> 00:15:59,700 So I wanted to, before I get into the details, just let everybody know that, of course, you know, our these are our strategic masterplan goals they look real familiar to all of us, of course, 82 00:16:00,000 --> 00:16:09,120 it drives everything we do, including our budget, although I have to say that, from what I've seen, and from what I've heard, and what again what I experienced, 83 00:16:09,420 --> 00:16:26,880 it's not directly, our budget is not sort of explicitly driven by these goals, and I know that the few months that I've been here at Moorpark we've started having many, many conversations about how to do that, how to make it more, these goals 84 00:16:27,930 --> 00:16:36,780 really more explicitly drive our budget. So I'm personally I'm really looking forward to this joint meeting that we have coming up with 85 00:16:37,080 --> 00:16:46,020 the first time ever, between EdCAP and our fiscal planning committees, so at that joint meeting the plan is to do a gap analysis between 86 00:16:46,410 --> 00:17:01,830 all of the funded lists from the year before, so the faculty prioritization, the staff or classified prioritization list, all the FT CAP lists from FRAWG, TRAWG, PAWG, all of those things that we funded from fiscal 87 00:17:02,550 --> 00:17:15,630 20, so last year '19-'20 that we're funding this year and then look at our annual plan for this year and look at, "Hey, you know, let's do a gap analysis. Let's compare the two and see, you know, where we fell down and what's missing." 88 00:17:15,960 --> 00:17:21,180 Now the prob- the purpose of doing that is so that in our spring planning retreat, 89 00:17:21,840 --> 00:17:30,570 you know, a month or so after that we'll be able to incorporate the results of that gap analysis or lessons learned, right from the prior year, 90 00:17:30,930 --> 00:17:46,170 into the draft of our next year's work plan. So again, more of a, it's an attempt a really good first attempt at us making a more explicit connection between these goals and our planning. 91 00:17:47,040 --> 00:17:51,930 I also didn't wanted to give a little bit of time. Just a little 92 00:17:52,470 --> 00:18:00,630 bit on the the graph to the right, just to point out that this is basically how our unrestricted general fund is broken out by division. 93 00:18:00,900 --> 00:18:06,810 Those of you in student support services, the orange will say, "Hey, you know, that's a really, really small part of the pie." 94 00:18:07,320 --> 00:18:15,060 I do want to remind everybody that our students support services relies very heavily on categorical and grant funding, 95 00:18:15,990 --> 00:18:31,170 to our restricted general fund. So not too much from the unrestricted general fund, a lot from our restricted. So actually, that orange piece is larger if we were to look at restricted and unrestricted. Next slide please? 96 00:18:32,550 --> 00:18:33,660 This is a, 97 00:18:35,280 --> 00:18:51,570 I live and breath by this, these documents. This is our district budget allocation model. So this compares last year, fiscal 20 to this year fiscal 21. So on the left is last year on the right is this year. 98 00:18:51,870 --> 00:19:05,700 I've circled a few numbers to call your attention to. The red number circled on the left is our new allocation that we received last year that 61,815,000 dollar number. 99 00:19:06,360 --> 00:19:13,680 The number on the right that's circled in red is our total allocation, our new money for fiscal 21, so the current year. 100 00:19:14,040 --> 00:19:33,810 You can see it's about, well, actually I have it at the bottom the total allocation decreased by $640,000. Okay, so our ongoing money decreased. At the same time look at the numbers in blue. This is our carry over. So our carry over is one time revenue, it's... 101 00:19:34,890 --> 00:19:42,120 okay, here's your ongoing salary is the red number at the top, that's money you get every year, you can kind of depend on it. 102 00:19:42,720 --> 00:20:00,750 That the blue number below is what you've managed to save. So once you spend it, it's gone. So the number on the left, the two numbers at the left total that $2.4 million number, it's sort of the last line on the slide it says increased 2,423,495, 103 00:20:03,120 --> 00:20:24,930 and then if you add up the numbers on the right in blue, this fiscal year that totals over 4.5 million. So the difference is, what do I have, 2.137 million dollars is the difference, that pretty much is because we have this one time carry forward from the SCFF '18-'19, 104 00:20:26,790 --> 00:20:35,280 which I said earlier was the only year that we received money from the Student Centered Funding Formula, 105 00:20:35,490 --> 00:20:44,760 but we received it so late, in fact, after the fiscal year ended, and again it's not ongoing we only got it that first year, and we're in our third year. 106 00:20:45,120 --> 00:20:52,290 This is money that we like Oxnard and Ventura have carried over and it's a good thing that we have it because 107 00:20:52,560 --> 00:21:09,180 this is going to play a big part in our, how am I terming it I have a program, what is it? Budget stability plan that's what how I'm going to be terming this. Big part in our budget stability plan over the next three years. So, next slide please. 108 00:21:12,180 --> 00:21:19,050 So what I wanted to do is illustrate the steps or sort of the major pieces in 109 00:21:19,800 --> 00:21:31,320 balancing our budget for this year. So looking at last year compared to this year, we were down $640,000 in revenue which I already covered in the last slide. 110 00:21:32,010 --> 00:21:44,160 What are some other things that we, that happened some major moving pieces? We actually increased our FON or full time faculty number by almost two full time faculty, yea, 111 00:21:44,430 --> 00:21:56,370 last year over this year. We have some additional classified staff that we were able to fund, yea, the instructional designer and half of a marketing coordinator, because the marketing coordinator 112 00:21:56,940 --> 00:22:11,940 also is paid by the unrestricted fund as well. So 1.5 classified staff. Meanwhile you all will know that we had a salary increase last year 2%, 6% this year so 113 00:22:12,480 --> 00:22:21,870 again, the change from last year to this year is 6% for everybody's salary, which was over $2 million of additional costs, 114 00:22:22,440 --> 00:22:35,340 and then we had our STRS and PERS increases, which I talked about earlier as well. Remember, they did, the state did temporarily drop the rates, but we're still having to pay more almost $300,000 more. 115 00:22:35,820 --> 00:22:45,000 We did have some relief our health and welfare costs have dropped, we moved to Cal PERS. So that has saved the college this year about $600,000, 116 00:22:45,360 --> 00:23:01,890 and then that also saves us on our retiree health and health, the retiree health and welfare benefits as well $480,000. So when you add all those numbers up, we have about a $2 million gap that we have to close. Next slide please. 117 00:23:03,960 --> 00:23:16,890 So how do we close the gap? How do we do that? Well, we look at a lot, there are a lot of strategies and we implemented a few. So the first one was, we really looked at our 118 00:23:17,400 --> 00:23:24,090 our sections and really maximizing productivity. I think this is going to be sound familiar to a lot of you. 119 00:23:24,360 --> 00:23:29,520 We were trying to maximize, you know, as many students in those courses as possible. 120 00:23:29,760 --> 00:23:39,810 If we could reduce sections that were only going to have a few students in it, and we did that, we tried to do that as earlier is because keeping the ones that, you know, had a lot of students that's 121 00:23:40,800 --> 00:23:46,740 going to save us money. We reduced we looked at discretionary budgets, right, provisional salaries, 122 00:23:47,190 --> 00:23:58,860 not too much student workers because we want to keep our students employed, but travel budgets things that we saved over $300,000 just reducing that some discretionary budgets. 123 00:23:59,790 --> 00:24:15,210 Vacancies, this is huge, even though we only have a few vacancies, and I think if I remember correctly, this is like five or six positions. It's not many between faculty and classified. Actually, it was only one faculty position that we couldn't hire, 124 00:24:16,230 --> 00:24:19,620 as we went through our hiring process for the rather either 125 00:24:20,250 --> 00:24:29,880 managers, supervisors, or classified, but this saves us a lot of money. If we can keep vacancies, even for half a year that saves a ton of money. 126 00:24:30,090 --> 00:24:39,180 So that's going to be something we would much rather, of course, have attrition than have to lay anybody off. So that is absolutely our strategy, you know, district wide. 127 00:24:39,600 --> 00:24:46,560 And then I mentioned our, what did I call it the budget sustainability or program sustainability plan. 128 00:24:46,740 --> 00:24:58,950 Our one time carry forward. So I would like to make that last as much as we can, if we can make it last three years, or maybe even more that would be fantastic. We can mitigate any budget reductions that we have to make. 129 00:24:59,250 --> 00:25:04,740 We applied a million dollars toward that and that was how we balanced our budget. Next slide please. 130 00:25:06,930 --> 00:25:16,830 So planning considerations for moving forward. So I'm already really thinking a lot about this, even though it's only October, fiscal 21 I'm already paying 131 00:25:17,400 --> 00:25:28,770 great attention to fiscal 22 and what has to be in place in order for us to zig and zag or, you know, have to, you know, if we have to reduce. So again, we're not sure, 132 00:25:29,460 --> 00:25:35,460 we're not sure what's going to happen, we did get a glimmer of hope, a little bit ago from the state that the tax collection. 133 00:25:36,030 --> 00:25:47,490 In July was better than they had anticipated, so that's good. A little glimmer of good news. So again, all my fingers are crossed, toes are crossed for all of us, 134 00:25:47,880 --> 00:26:02,400 but we know right away that first bit on the slide there. We know that our costs are going to go up by almost 1.4 million dollars, and you can see these are things we know these cost increases are a given. 135 00:26:03,330 --> 00:26:15,960 Going to the, onto to the left below if Moorpark College's revenue allocation is is reduced. So if our revenue is reduced, and again, we have no idea if it will be and if it is by how much, 136 00:26:16,350 --> 00:26:23,010 but any reduction in revenue is going to be added to that 1.38 million dollar 137 00:26:23,700 --> 00:26:39,660 cost increase that we know we have to cover. So for example, if our revenue is reduced next year by 2% that's $1.2 million so that we know to balance our budget, we have 2,000,005, 138 00:26:39,960 --> 00:26:50,220 sorry 2.58 million dollars of a hold that we need to, you know, we need to balance we need to look for ways to reduce our budget. 139 00:26:50,520 --> 00:27:02,850 So how do we do that? Where do we look for for additional savings or budget reduction? I have a few ideas on the left, but I literally have a sheet that's probably three pages long, of all kinds of different strategies that can be used. 140 00:27:03,570 --> 00:27:12,660 You know, it just depends on goals and and perspective, and, you know, what we're trying to preserve, what's most important to a campus, right? 141 00:27:13,380 --> 00:27:23,970 So there's also I wanted to point out just the second bullet. There is a conversation district wide at using reserves and how reserves might be used to mitigate a 142 00:27:25,020 --> 00:27:35,340 budget reductions at the campuses, whether it will be done on a district wide expenses, whether some would be actually given to the campuses for campuses to make those local decisions. 143 00:27:35,940 --> 00:27:41,250 You know, those are conversations that are happening right now. Again, no decisions have been made whatsoever, 144 00:27:41,490 --> 00:27:56,880 but these are all conversations that are happening, and again, this list is pages and pages long I've just throwing up a few ideas that are pretty common ones of ways that we look at possible budget reductions. Next slide please? 145 00:27:59,040 --> 00:28:15,570 And finally, I did want to circle back to our one time SCFF money addition, I should say additional revenue that we received in that first year only of the Student Centered Funding Formula was about 3.3 million dollars. 146 00:28:16,170 --> 00:28:21,090 We want to get back to what we plan to do with that money. You know, we spent a lot of time 147 00:28:21,330 --> 00:28:32,160 focusing on, you know, what can we do with this money, you know, we want to use it strategically, we want to plan carefully, we want to 148 00:28:32,430 --> 00:28:42,930 use it over a multi years. So we want to do it in ways again, strategic as possible, look at enroll the enrollment management plan that was developed, how can 149 00:28:43,200 --> 00:28:53,130 we put money one time money into programs that will sustain our enrollment long term, that will grow our FTES, that will improve our student success 150 00:28:55,170 --> 00:29:04,770 allocation or our students success markers that eventually we will be funded on? So this is an important mindset as the economy 151 00:29:05,310 --> 00:29:19,380 recovers and we begin to come out of this, this is what we want to get back to as soon as we can. So with that, I can go to the next slide and my next slide is simply questions and then discussion. Thank you very, very much for listening to me ramble. 152 00:29:20,880 --> 00:29:35,460 Mary: Jennifer, we very much appreciate you monitoring all this and keeping us all so well informed on all what's going on and that. There were a couple of questions that came up. One is, has the district considered golden handshakes as a way to save money? 153 00:29:36,990 --> 00:29:46,470 Jennifer: So that comes up every year. Someone always actually couple people will always bring up golden handshakes. It is something that I think 154 00:29:46,920 --> 00:30:05,700 it depends on a lots and lots of factors, whether or not it actually saves money for a district. In some instances it's actually more costly, but it is certainly, and I'm sure that because we do every year, we look at it every year district wide, 155 00:30:06,780 --> 00:30:08,700 so it's always a conversation, yes. 156 00:30:09,030 --> 00:30:24,690 Mary: Thank you, there was a second question that talk about maybe you could explain a little bit more about what is meant by decreasing money spent on professional development. There was a question, "If we decrease money to professional development, does that impact contractual obligations?" 157 00:30:24,780 --> 00:30:37,350 Jennifer: No, no, absolutely not. So I didn't put that on there as a bullet point, but I actually did want to mention in our DCAS meeting, which is our DIstrict Council meeting on Administrative Services, 158 00:30:37,740 --> 00:30:52,290 we have actually got a draft document that we've put together. That is a, it is an overall sort of guiding the guiding principles for how our as a district, we want to 159 00:30:53,250 --> 00:31:14,370 approach any possible budget reductions and I want go over the first one, the first bullet says that "Decisions must place priority on the colleges and districts missions, and service to students. Colleges will consider the needs of their most vulnerable students impacted by COVID-19 160 00:31:15,690 --> 00:31:25,860 in all budget decisions. Budget... strategies prioritization and recommendations will focus on preserving programs and services to students, 161 00:31:26,100 --> 00:31:37,230 staff, and community," and I did want to point out another bullet on that same guiding principle document, it talks about honoring contractual obligations, so yes. 162 00:31:38,010 --> 00:31:42,780 Mary: Thank you. There were two other questions. One is to explain what golden handshake means. 163 00:31:43,890 --> 00:31:48,030 Jennifer: Golden handshake means basically an incentive 164 00:31:48,480 --> 00:31:56,220 to, an early retirement incentive if you will. So it's a golden parachute, golden handshake, there are lots of terms for it. 165 00:31:56,430 --> 00:32:15,150 But it's actually paying someone, it could be a lump sum. It could be an annuity over 20 years. It could be there are so kinds of so many different kinds of models, but it's usually monetary incentive for that you pay someone in order to retire. 166 00:32:17,130 --> 00:32:27,060 Mary: Thank you. There was a question about budget allocation for students who are facing technology and Wi Fi barriers. Does that impact our budgets? 167 00:32:28,290 --> 00:32:32,640 Jennifer: So students facing, yeah facing Wi Fi barriers, 168 00:32:32,640 --> 00:32:34,140 facing technology yeah... 169 00:32:34,500 --> 00:32:38,700 Mary: Are we providing technology and Wi Fi for students and how are we 170 00:32:38,970 --> 00:32:45,750 going to do that? [Jennifer]: Absolutely. I mean, we have I talked about the relief funding. Number one, we have CARES money, we have COVID-19 171 00:32:46,950 --> 00:32:57,270 Response Block Grant money that is going to last for the at least the next year and a half. So we have money, specifically set aside for exactly that, 172 00:32:57,840 --> 00:33:14,010 but again, it goes to our priorities. What are our priorities? I would venture to say that what you just mentioned that question, those going to be very high on the priority list. So we are going to find a way come hell or high water to fund that for students. 173 00:33:14,820 --> 00:33:18,720 Mary: Thank you, and right now we are currently paying for funds using CARES funds too? 174 00:33:18,750 --> 00:33:29,790 [Jennifer]: We are. [Mary]: Yes, thank you, there's additional questions too about professional development and if we decrease money for professional development, how do, how do faculty and staff do professional development? 175 00:33:30,390 --> 00:33:40,950 Jennifer: Well, you know, that's the $64,000 question, and again, it was just one bullet and probably a bullet from, you know, a three page long document that I have just in my possession. 176 00:33:41,730 --> 00:33:48,180 Again, it's a discussion, there's maybe some professional development that could be 177 00:33:48,750 --> 00:33:58,650 postponed a year or so. There's other professional development and perhaps depending on what it is we don't want to wait. It is important, and so we don't want to cut that out entirely. 178 00:33:59,100 --> 00:34:08,850 I would say that our approach to budgeting should follow, should use a fine scalpel approach as opposed to the chainsaw approach, 179 00:34:09,030 --> 00:34:25,980 which is just lopping off absolutely everything without thought to, you know, any of the nuances or details. So I would be a strong advocate that we not do that, that, you know, we not take the chance on just lock it all off that we actually have a discussion about priorities. 180 00:34:27,300 --> 00:34:31,620 Mary: Thank you Jennifer and I assume that you'll continue to keep us updated at the Moorpark Update? 181 00:34:32,700 --> 00:34:35,160 [Jennifer]: Absolutely. [Mary]: Thank you so much. 182 00:34:35,310 --> 00:34:35,730 Jennifer: Thank you. 183 00:34:36,360 --> 00:34:43,110 Mary: Then we'll transition on to the other issue that we were other big topic we're going to talk about today at the town hall, 184 00:34:43,530 --> 00:34:49,410 the social justice work group, giving us information about what's been accomplished and what their priorities are. 185 00:34:50,340 --> 00:34:56,190 The next slide. We'll just kind of go over what we're going to be, how we're going to be covering this information. 186 00:34:56,970 --> 00:35:11,310 Each of the social justice work groups are going to give us a brief update on what's been done and what their priorities are for the five to seven minutes. Then if you have questions or comments, and then we've got a interactive poll 187 00:35:12,450 --> 00:35:21,600 regarding each of the individual. So we'll go over the first social justice work group and then a poll on that. The second work group and then the poll on, 188 00:35:22,560 --> 00:35:27,750 related to that particular work group. All poll responses are 189 00:35:28,530 --> 00:35:39,270 anonymous, and we will take all of the information and presented at the Moorpark updates or a town hall, depending upon all the information so that we've got time 190 00:35:39,780 --> 00:35:48,060 to have some good discussion on the data that's come out rather than rush it at the very end of the town hall today. 191 00:35:48,930 --> 00:35:59,610 The two poll questions. One is, we'll say whatever the particular outcome is from that work group. Is this a or this is a high priority for Moorpark College, 192 00:35:59,880 --> 00:36:06,540 and then you can either strongly agree, somewhat agree, neutral somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree. 193 00:36:07,110 --> 00:36:16,500 And then the second polling question allows you to give some information as far as the timeframe, when which you feel this action should be taken. 194 00:36:17,250 --> 00:36:31,800 Tier one activities, one would hope to accomplish within this this year within 6 to 12 months and tier two is a longer term 1 to 3 years in order to accomplish that particular 195 00:36:32,820 --> 00:36:35,070 topic. So we start with 196 00:36:36,090 --> 00:36:39,630 social justice group one. Thank you, Patty. 197 00:36:44,340 --> 00:36:56,070 Patricia Colman: Great. Hi, everybody. I hope that you can all see my screen at this point. So I am representing theme one Diversifying the Curriculum, 198 00:36:56,580 --> 00:37:00,660 and if we all think back to the wake of the George Floyd murder, 199 00:37:01,470 --> 00:37:08,640 we received a mandate from our students. Our students told us that many of them don't feel welcome on campus. 200 00:37:09,000 --> 00:37:17,160 Our students told us that they want to be better represented in the classroom, they want to learn about their histories, they want to understand racial inequity, 201 00:37:17,580 --> 00:37:27,690 and so given that a lot of the work from the summer and into this fall, came together and we really we I think accomplished a lot of amazing work. 202 00:37:27,990 --> 00:37:39,930 There's over 30 people in this particular work group, and people have been doing an incredible job. Some of the accomplishments from theme one, the Social Justice ADT, 203 00:37:40,800 --> 00:37:49,890 the culturally responsive pedagogy resources, they can be found on the Moorpark College Library website, you might remember Danielle presented on those. 204 00:37:50,910 --> 00:37:57,990 We also created an Ethnic Studies Department and a new course, Introduction to Chicana/ Chicano Studies. 205 00:37:59,130 --> 00:38:09,960 There's also been a series of speakers, webinars, just one as an example, Erika Lizee and her wonderful artist lecture series that she hosted. 206 00:38:10,620 --> 00:38:17,400 We also had a book club Ruth and Cynthia lead us in "Reading Between The World and Me," 207 00:38:17,970 --> 00:38:26,730 and there are some January professional development sessions that are being organized. So these are just some of the accomplishments that theme one was able to 208 00:38:27,270 --> 00:38:35,010 make happen in a very short amount of time. So really it's pretty amazing that people work so hard over these last few months to do this. 209 00:38:35,640 --> 00:38:49,050 But our work is absolutely not finished. We have identified two goals that we think are most important here as we go forward into 2021 and beyond. 210 00:38:49,830 --> 00:38:58,170 There's two goals that you will then be voting on in the polls. I know right now no one wants to talk about voting or polls, at the moment, but 211 00:38:59,190 --> 00:39:04,260 we're presenting two. The first one is Culturally Responsive Education. 212 00:39:04,620 --> 00:39:13,410 Now you may notice that I took pedagogy out of that and put education because I think what we really want to look at here is not just in the classroom, 213 00:39:13,770 --> 00:39:26,340 but also counseling, coaching, our services all across the campus. So some examples of how we could do that are putting on discipline and department specific workshops, 214 00:39:26,850 --> 00:39:38,970 looking at how we can work on our program plans our learning outcomes, looking at how the curriculum review process can start to integrate some of this culturally responsive work into that. 215 00:39:39,570 --> 00:39:44,100 Also we have a really great start on a land acknowledgement statement that just 216 00:39:44,940 --> 00:39:52,230 recently got passed by emotion in our Academic Senate to start working on that. So that's something that we hope to continue as well. 217 00:39:53,070 --> 00:40:05,730 And again, I just, I want to kind of emphasize something that Julius had on his first slide the Chancellor and his Call to Action. One of the things that the Chancellor told us to do, 218 00:40:06,240 --> 00:40:24,270 is to create anti racist curriculum, and so I think that this is a really, really important priority for us to think about. The second priority that I would like to introduce to you all and for your consideration, is expanding our work on Ethnic Studies. 219 00:40:25,890 --> 00:40:34,770 We as I put in the accomplishments, we do now have an Ethnic Studies Department, and we have one Ethnic Studies course that we need to create more. 220 00:40:35,400 --> 00:40:46,410 As I think a lot of you know AB 1460 was passed, which is now mandating that all students who graduate from a Cal State must have a three unit Ethnic Studies course, 221 00:40:46,890 --> 00:40:51,000 and since it's lower division, that means we need to start offering these classes too. 222 00:40:51,570 --> 00:41:01,110 Those classes, need to be an American Indian Studies, African American Studies, Asian American Studies, or something within the Latinx community as our Chicana/ Chicano Studies does. 223 00:41:01,920 --> 00:41:09,150 We also want to explore, for example, making ethnic studies a requirement for all associate degrees at Moorpark College. 224 00:41:09,480 --> 00:41:14,820 Now this is something that several of us have been talking about since the summer, but since then 225 00:41:15,240 --> 00:41:24,690 the state has started to move on this as well, there is a law that has been proposed within our state legislature to do just this. I know our California 226 00:41:25,380 --> 00:41:34,410 Academic Senate is also looking at something similar. So this may be, you know, mandated and we will have to do the work on it, but regardless of that 227 00:41:34,740 --> 00:41:44,580 many of us feel strongly that our students before we put them out into the workforce, before we put them out into society, they need to critically examine 228 00:41:45,060 --> 00:41:57,990 issues of race, and ethnicity, and inequality in our country. Finally, this is another example of how we could expand the ethnic studies offering by creating a non credit social justice course 229 00:41:58,470 --> 00:42:12,750 for CTE and possibly even for community groups, where local businesses and organizations could come to us, or we to them, or on Zoom and provide kind of a short workshop for social justice. 230 00:42:13,590 --> 00:42:23,010 So again, I just want to say thank you to everybody who has put in so much work to get so much accomplished this semester, 231 00:42:23,340 --> 00:42:34,320 and I really look forward to working on these very important imperatives in the future, and I think I am under my time allotment and if there's any questions, I'll certainly take those, but I'll go ahead and stop sharing now. 232 00:42:35,970 --> 00:42:42,210 Mary: Thank you Patty. There are a couple of questions. One is, what does a land use, land acknowledgement statement mean? 233 00:42:43,080 --> 00:42:50,910 Patty: Great. So a land acknowledgement statement is something that we can put on the college website we can put on our syllabus, we can put on our websites, 234 00:42:51,210 --> 00:42:59,310 and it just is acknowledging that the land that Moorpark College that sits is historically belonging to the Chumash and 235 00:42:59,910 --> 00:43:11,610 Susan Kinkella and Ashley Vaughan have really been working on this and they're much better at explaining it than me, but it's just a really nice way to kind of remind students that we are on Indigenous land. 236 00:43:12,630 --> 00:43:25,200 Mary: Thank you. There was a request to put out information to faculty and staff as to far as what are some social and racial justice courses that we could recommend to students for spring. 237 00:43:26,880 --> 00:43:33,120 Patty: I maybe I'm not understanding the question. You mean just general courses that might... 238 00:43:33,180 --> 00:43:34,860 Mary: Yeah, for example, they mentioned that 239 00:43:36,030 --> 00:43:42,900 Oxnard has some LGBTQI literature courses or... [Patty]: Yeah, yeah. 240 00:43:43,500 --> 00:43:45,870 Certainly, we don't have any courses 241 00:43:45,960 --> 00:43:56,040 yet that look like they will meet that AB 1460 requirement, but as far as classes for students who are looking for some diversity in their education, 242 00:43:56,490 --> 00:44:02,580 I know, for example, Diane Scrofano in English, she's doing I believe her Chicano Literature class again. 243 00:44:03,420 --> 00:44:09,510 I know, certainly not to plug my class, but I teach a course on race and ethnicity in American history. Of course, 244 00:44:09,930 --> 00:44:23,760 in Sociology they have one as well. We have courses in Mexican American history, American Indian history. I think Anthropology, of course, has some courses there. So there's a lot and I'm happy if anyone wants to email me, I can help with that. 245 00:44:24,450 --> 00:44:26,340 Mary: And or we could perhaps 246 00:44:27,450 --> 00:44:36,600 help to, if you generated such a list I could probably send that out to faculty that might be, and staff that might be, and or to Counseling, we could probably do that as well. 247 00:44:36,960 --> 00:44:38,520 Patty: I am writing that down. Yes. 248 00:44:38,640 --> 00:44:40,650 Mary: Okay, that would be fabulous. Thank you. 249 00:44:44,340 --> 00:44:54,180 Oh, and I think Jill wants us to make sure that we mention that she also has an Intercultural Communications, so let's put that on the list as well. So, and I think that's an excellent point, 250 00:44:55,590 --> 00:45:08,130 as well as Anthro, I think that it points out that there probably are some that were not aware of or aren't that very quick is to come to our mind. So let's put together that list and then we can send it out to everyone, so that's our... 251 00:45:08,190 --> 00:45:19,890 Patty: Our course, we, of course, we do have area F in our General Studies degree which has the gender and multicultural classes and you can just quickly go there and see a list there, but I think we could probably build on that. 252 00:45:21,300 --> 00:45:30,330 Mary: Fabulous. Thank you. So, so we go ahead and give our interaction time. This is always an experiment. So let's give this a try. 253 00:45:31,320 --> 00:45:44,790 We are going to hopefully come up on your screen is a... a response, a polling please mark down. So we've got Culturally Responsive Education. This is a high priority for Moorpark College. 254 00:45:45,540 --> 00:45:54,390 Please indicate your preference. There are what you believe strongly agree, somewhat agree, neutral, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree, 255 00:45:54,720 --> 00:46:12,810 and then what tier order or what timeframe do you feel that work needs to happen and then in the tier one within the next 6 to 12 months which would mean, you know, within next semester or in the 1 to 3 years. If you could go ahead and indicated and then submit. Thank you. 256 00:46:36,990 --> 00:46:39,480 And then Michael, we have a second poll, correct? 257 00:46:52,710 --> 00:47:12,060 Thank you. So now you have the second poll which is the second outcome that social justice work group one believes are high priorities for our campus, Ethnic Studies, again strongly, somewhat agree, neutral, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree and which order. 258 00:47:14,490 --> 00:47:15,630 There was a question. Yeah. 259 00:47:16,860 --> 00:47:24,270 Then what order as far as would you rank it. Tier one needs to happen in the next 6 to 12 months or Tier two. 260 00:47:55,440 --> 00:48:03,780 Thank you all for participating and allowing us to engage you all in these kind of important conversations. For theme two, 261 00:48:08,160 --> 00:48:09,750 the diversity hiring. 262 00:48:11,160 --> 00:48:16,080 I think that we've got several people that are going to present this, I believe, Perry... 263 00:48:17,910 --> 00:48:21,510 [Perry Martin]: Yes. [Mary]: ...and Robert, and I have, 264 00:48:22,650 --> 00:48:25,650 is it Kristen, I think I'm forgetting one person, so I apologize. 265 00:48:29,430 --> 00:48:32,040 Perry: All right. Well, thank you, Mary, appreciate this. 266 00:48:33,120 --> 00:48:46,440 For theme two is designed to address the hiring of staff, faculty, and managers that represent ethnic diversity and our student population. The work group leads and myself Perry Martin, 267 00:48:46,860 --> 00:48:56,250 Jennifer Clark our Vice President you heard from earlier, Gerald Richardson, who is a student representative, Linda Resendiz and Celine Park. First slide please. 268 00:49:03,120 --> 00:49:13,740 For theme two in diversity hiring here are our priorities for the fall, as well as the spring of 2021. We understand that this work is ongoing, this is not something that can be accomplished 269 00:49:14,040 --> 00:49:26,430 overnight, this district has been in existence or nearly a century. Moorpark has been around for over 50 years. So we do recognize that this is going to be a pretty 270 00:49:27,330 --> 00:49:40,440 lifelong endeavor. However, what we first want to accomplish is to conduct a thorough P3 plan. I put the P3 plan, we want to identify the policies, procedures, and practices, we want to analyze those. 271 00:49:40,800 --> 00:49:52,770 The second is that we want to make immediate recommendation at all levels of leadership to remove identifiable discriminatory practices and to establish best practices in that P3 plan. 272 00:49:53,160 --> 00:50:00,150 Third, we want to invite all interested classified professionals, faculty, and administrators to join 273 00:50:00,540 --> 00:50:06,450 in the subgroup to do this work. So I want you to know that this work, although you might, you will see 274 00:50:06,720 --> 00:50:19,590 in the template that there's a lot of work that's already been done, but we're just really getting started with taking the deep end dive, so we are welcoming folks to come join our sub groups and you'll get to meet our sub group leaders in just a minute. 275 00:50:20,370 --> 00:50:28,890 Number four, we want to leverage all the efforts from the key stakeholders anywhere from, and this list is not exhausted, because there are so many people working on this, 276 00:50:29,610 --> 00:50:38,610 we, these are just a few of the stakeholders anywhere from the Board of Trustees, the Board of Trustees has set up an Ad-Hoc created an Ad-Hoc Committee, 277 00:50:39,180 --> 00:50:49,620 the Chancellor has a legal advisor on this issue, the district HR human resources, as well as the USC Senate Race and Equity, 278 00:50:50,340 --> 00:51:01,650 the VCCARA, the county anti racism alliance, and NAACP, and the institutional researchers that are at the district level, as well as the campus. 279 00:51:01,920 --> 00:51:10,890 These are four main issues that we want to focus on right now, and what we've been focusing on from the time we were given this task. Next slide please? 280 00:51:13,500 --> 00:51:25,560 Now, the way we have this setup is through a template, because this is work and we want to be clear about what we've done, our objectives, this template is designed to show you the objectives, the key action steps, 281 00:51:26,070 --> 00:51:32,460 recommendations if we're able to make them now, ultimately the desired outcomes, and then give you a current status. 282 00:51:33,360 --> 00:51:48,150 So I serve as the EEOC the Equal Employment Advisory Committee representative for Moorpark campus, we decided to break this down into four sub groups, the EEOAC, 283 00:51:48,540 --> 00:51:57,930 as well as faculty/ administrators, and then number three is classified, and number four we have an administrative and a quality control 284 00:51:58,200 --> 00:52:10,260 group that helps us put it, put everything together and to do conduct some of the research. So our first objective that we have is to analyze the campus and district hiring policies, procedures, and practices. 285 00:52:10,800 --> 00:52:16,740 The key action steps is that we put in a request for the policies and practices information to the Academic Senate. 286 00:52:17,370 --> 00:52:26,310 Once that was sent a recommendation is for them to outline specific practices that may enable discriminatory practices. 287 00:52:26,880 --> 00:52:38,430 Then we know we need to conduct a campus hiring practices survey. Many of you have served on hiring committees, many of you shown interest, we need to find out exactly where we stand in terms of hiring. 288 00:52:39,690 --> 00:52:47,310 The ultimate, the outcomes are the desired outcomes, we want to eradicate immediately ending discriminatory practices that we may be able to do, 289 00:52:47,640 --> 00:52:51,900 we also want to make the necessary board policy and administrative policy changes, 290 00:52:52,290 --> 00:53:05,100 and we also want to make sure that the academic senate establishes clear guidelines on the policies, procedures, and practices. We want to make sure that that's clear, transparent, and everyone understands 291 00:53:06,000 --> 00:53:14,010 the guidelines, and currently the status is that the Academic Senate sent, delivered their information to the district EEOC Director. 292 00:53:14,340 --> 00:53:26,190 The Equal Employment Advisory Committee will send Academic Senate requests for information related to specific practices. For example, if you are going through tenure, can you sit on 293 00:53:27,060 --> 00:53:35,970 a hiring committee? Those specific that specific types of information, we're going to be asking those questions of academic senates and campuses. 294 00:53:36,330 --> 00:53:44,700 The next one, the next objective we want to gauge in ideally, if there's no leadership buy in from the top as well as the bottom, 295 00:53:45,060 --> 00:53:52,110 we need to make sure first that we have that buy in. So we want to gauge the leadership's commitment to a diversity inclusion. 296 00:53:52,500 --> 00:54:05,400 So the, the recommended or the next step was for us to meet with the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor and after having a conversation with them about it, 297 00:54:05,910 --> 00:54:21,600 we decided to conduct a Board of Trustees panel on transformational leadership, diversity, and inclusion, equity, anti racism, culture, and social justice issues, and I just want to say that it took it took some courage for the 298 00:54:22,050 --> 00:54:31,530 Board of Trustees to come to that panel and answer those questions, because those questions that we set for them were probing and it, it did 299 00:54:31,860 --> 00:54:37,380 give you a sense of if they were really doing the work rather than just signing on to a resolution. 300 00:54:37,770 --> 00:54:45,840 So, the outcome is that we had that special advisory meeting on October 8, the 8th. It gave us a clearer perspective 301 00:54:46,200 --> 00:54:56,610 on what we came to understand now is that the district has created an Ad-Hoc committee consisting of Dianne McKay, Trustee McKay and Trustee Torres, 302 00:54:57,420 --> 00:55:07,890 and that was their first time meeting with us, but their first meeting is scheduled, so the current status is because that they'll invite us back to that Ad-Hoc 303 00:55:08,190 --> 00:55:15,930 first meeting so we can continue to discuss and give them some insight as to what we've been doing as the Equal Employment Advisory Committee, 304 00:55:16,410 --> 00:55:22,440 and they made it clear that the Chancellor's number one priority and his goal was diversity hiring. 305 00:55:23,190 --> 00:55:29,520 The next objective is to create transformational change in the campus culture related to diversity and equity. 306 00:55:29,970 --> 00:55:44,190 What we, the key action steps for us is to synthesize this multilateral approach towards P3, social justice, and anti racism, and equity issues because there are so many stakeholders that are involved 307 00:55:44,820 --> 00:55:49,890 rather than reinvent the wheel than working in silos, we recognize the benefit of working together. 308 00:55:50,940 --> 00:56:10,200 The outcome that we want to have is that we want to centralize effective and efficient management oversight in all of these EEO initiatives. Recommendation to the Chance- we made this recommendation to the Chancellor, the campus president, as well as the district HR. Next slide. 309 00:56:13,380 --> 00:56:24,210 Next objective is to attract, recruit, and retain a diverse applicant pool. Key action step in that process is assist the district HR in these EEF 310 00:56:24,600 --> 00:56:38,850 efforts. Now I'll use the term EEFs. You many of you know them as screening facilitators, but they have evolved to the term be called Employment Equity Facilitators. 311 00:56:40,530 --> 00:56:50,700 So what we needed in this area is the district to commit to the resources necessary to achieve this objective. That means finding 312 00:56:51,330 --> 00:56:57,420 the right type of sites, going to the right schools, going to, whatever resources we can to attract and recruit a diverse pool. 313 00:56:58,380 --> 00:57:09,930 We also recognize the benefit of leveraging our relationship with the USC Race and Equity Center and they have a program that has a pool that's already there, so we recognize the benefit from there. 314 00:57:10,350 --> 00:57:17,250 The ultimate outcome is that we want to improve the campus diversity and equity at all levels. Status is to be determined. 315 00:57:18,690 --> 00:57:27,360 The next objective is to empower our Employment Equity Facilitators to address EEO issues during the hiring process. 316 00:57:27,720 --> 00:57:39,630 Now, that does not mean they have not been affected, but we want to strengthen them with more training, more resources so they can advocate for fair practices, even on a higher level. 317 00:57:40,290 --> 00:58:00,390 Key action steps in that process is that we are asking deans, chairs, co-chairs, to assist in immediate implementation of fair practices and just step up just a little bit more by exercising a little bit more leadership in terms of facilitating. 318 00:58:01,530 --> 00:58:16,560 We also want to create and many of you if you've taken that hiring video, you know, it's outdated with the whole the last regime. We want to create a new one or find some other video that effectively teaches the training before you go into hiring committees. 319 00:58:17,460 --> 00:58:28,440 A recommendation we want to create an employment survey, a survey for the equity facilitators, the one that have already facilitated and they are 320 00:58:28,980 --> 00:58:39,420 for lack of better term, they know where the bodies are buried, they know some of the systemic issues that have already been happening in hiring committees. So we need to find that information out so we can address those. 321 00:58:40,530 --> 00:58:54,750 Also, we want the hiring committees to evaluate the facilitators and give them feedback on how well they've done so we can address it at the EEOAC, as well as the district level. 322 00:58:56,070 --> 00:59:01,770 And then we want the president all the presidents to allow the Equal Employment 323 00:59:02,400 --> 00:59:15,240 Facilitators to go through the entire hiring process, and that means you got eyes on and they can vouch that this process from beginning, and that's not questioning the integrity of the process that just allowing us to have eyes on from the beginning to the end. 324 00:59:15,870 --> 00:59:32,550 The outcomes ultimately is to increase empowerment and transparency in the process, and then also make any necessary BP Board Policy or administrative policy changes. The status, our community stakeholders, such as a VCCARA, there was a sub group that is working on 325 00:59:34,140 --> 00:59:43,770 survey instrument, as well as the institutional researchers from the district level coming from the district level, and I'll be reaching out Oleg to work on the campus level, 326 00:59:44,670 --> 00:59:49,770 and the sub group will be working on the development in this process. 327 00:59:50,460 --> 01:00:01,710 The next objective is, is to institute a campus why implicit bias training for all faculty, especially the hiring, the folks that are on hiring committees. The key action steps in this 328 01:00:02,490 --> 01:00:09,990 is to recommend to the Professional Development Committee to choose the most effective course of action to implement this campus wide training. 329 01:00:10,620 --> 01:00:19,050 Recommendations is that we encourage every faculty to take the implicit bias training and be willing 330 01:00:19,620 --> 01:00:31,530 to address, because Implicit bias is something that we all have, but how, and deal with how it affects you, and ultimately how it affects the decisions that you make, and so we want, we recommend that everyone does that. 331 01:00:32,040 --> 01:00:35,610 The outcomes, this will significantly improve the campus' 332 01:00:35,940 --> 01:00:51,570 ability to remove or reduce implicit biases at all levels. There's no us against them, there's no faculty versus classified, you'll see with the sub groups this is all of us working together classified, faculty, and administrators and then 333 01:00:52,500 --> 01:01:05,580 status, TWMOCAs, if you have not heard of the TWMOCAs, the Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates, we conducted a presentation just a small presentation because we are, we consider ourselves the conscious of 334 01:01:05,940 --> 01:01:12,480 the campus. We created and you got to hear, a chance to hear from Patricia Colman, she gave a really good sizzle, 335 01:01:12,780 --> 01:01:19,020 not the whole steak, but gave a real quick 15 minute presentation on implicit bias which was well received. 336 01:01:19,380 --> 01:01:26,250 So as far as the Professional Development Committee that's still to be determined as to how we go about getting that process implemented. 337 01:01:26,760 --> 01:01:40,560 And then we want to target Black and Indigenous, people of color recruitment. Now the key action steps in this process is to identify additional resources that are necessary to increase the applicant pool, 338 01:01:41,580 --> 01:01:47,880 and in this we will request funding from the district to do, to to accomplish this objective. 339 01:01:49,080 --> 01:01:58,050 We also need to and collect the information from exit interviews or for those folks, you can go into diversity 340 01:01:58,470 --> 01:02:12,930 website and you can see the dashboard, we've had people that were that tried to apply, or thought about applying, but the just things such as the salary or the commute, all of those areas, we need to address and 341 01:02:12,960 --> 01:02:14,250 ultimately the outcomes 342 01:02:14,550 --> 01:02:26,040 is to increase diversity at all levels classified, staff, faculty, and administrators. We made these recommendations to the Chancellor and the district HR, 343 01:02:27,480 --> 01:02:31,980 been made by the Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee. Next please. 344 01:02:32,160 --> 01:02:39,300 Mary: Thank you Perry. I think we're finished. We're ready to do the poll, the pool, the poll for work group two now? 345 01:02:41,160 --> 01:02:41,940 Are you guys... 346 01:02:45,810 --> 01:02:47,700 were you guys finished, are or you about finished? 347 01:02:47,940 --> 01:02:49,110 Perry: No, no, we weren't finished. 348 01:02:49,350 --> 01:02:53,160 Mary: Okay 'cause we're like, way over for your particular group we're at... 349 01:02:53,220 --> 01:02:57,150 Perry: We were taking some of Patty's time, remember she yielded the balance of her time to us. 350 01:02:57,210 --> 01:02:57,540 Mary: I... [Mary laughs] 351 01:03:01,350 --> 01:03:02,010 Can't we...can we do 352 01:03:02,880 --> 01:03:05,310 one more minute to finish up and then do the poll? Will that work? 353 01:03:05,310 --> 01:03:06,120 Perry: That's okay, Linda, 354 01:03:06,150 --> 01:03:09,870 if you would, since this slide has been up, if you could just go to the next slide, 355 01:03:11,190 --> 01:03:19,740 and what you'll see is that Maria Thayer represents to classified sub group, and this is the work that they've been doing, 356 01:03:21,990 --> 01:03:35,010 and it's a call to get involved or Call to Action from our faculty sub group lead Brandon Elliot to increase everybody, we need everybody to be a part of this process. 357 01:03:36,270 --> 01:03:36,990 All right. 358 01:03:37,290 --> 01:03:39,510 [Mary]: Very good. [Perry]: Thank you. [Mary]: Thank you so much. 359 01:03:40,890 --> 01:03:46,320 So much work going on here. I appreciate, we really appreciate that. Can we do the poll then thank you? 360 01:03:51,660 --> 01:03:54,450 Let's see. So are you all seeing the poll? 361 01:03:55,980 --> 01:03:59,940 So for poll one the P3 plan. Please rank that. 362 01:04:05,280 --> 01:04:07,860 The timeframe... submit. 363 01:04:09,600 --> 01:04:12,000 The second objective or outcome. 364 01:04:24,720 --> 01:04:27,600 This is the recommendation for all levels of leadership, 365 01:04:28,680 --> 01:04:32,610 to remove discriminatory practices. 366 01:04:56,010 --> 01:04:57,300 The third poll question... 367 01:05:03,810 --> 01:05:09,090 invite all interested classified staff, faculty, administration to join the subgroup work. 368 01:05:27,660 --> 01:05:28,800 And is there a fourth... 369 01:05:31,980 --> 01:05:32,850 poll question? 370 01:05:38,940 --> 01:05:45,660 Leveraging the efforts from the key stakeholders, we have a nice list here of many of the groups that have been working on this. 371 01:05:59,280 --> 01:06:01,500 And then submit that poll question as well. 372 01:06:18,330 --> 01:06:28,800 Thank you for all of the presentation and also for the participating in the feedback on related to diversity in hiring. The third theme? 373 01:06:32,730 --> 01:06:34,920 Leadership on Racial Issues. 374 01:06:37,350 --> 01:06:39,300 Kristen would you want to lead us on this? 375 01:06:39,510 --> 01:06:41,070 Kristen Robinson: Terrific. Yeah. Next slide please? 376 01:06:44,820 --> 01:06:53,160 So for those of you who don't know me, my name is Kristen Robinson and I work in Student Life for Moorpark College, and today I have the privilege of sharing on behalf of faculty, 377 01:06:53,490 --> 01:07:08,430 staff, administrators, and students who make up the racial and social justice work group theme three, and so a few colleagues and I will spend a short time this afternoon, sharing our goals for moving the college forward in the areas of civic engagement and empowerment. Next slide please? 378 01:07:11,310 --> 01:07:19,320 But before we talk about our priorities for spring 2021 I wanted to quickly revisit what has already been done this semester in the area of civic engagement. 379 01:07:20,220 --> 01:07:32,280 So in September dozens of community members tuned in to learn about how to effectively advocate for racial and social justice during a training, led by Moorpark College English professor and Multicultural Day specialist Tamarra Coleman. 380 01:07:33,390 --> 01:07:48,000 Additionally, many faculty, staff, students and administrators listened in as three Moorpark College alumni shared their path to landing careers in law and politics during a Constitution Day panel moderated by Moorpark College Communications professor Rolland Petrello. 381 01:07:49,200 --> 01:07:56,640 The Associated Students Voter Empowerment Committee with advisement from our workgroup hosted a presidential debate watch party on October 22. 382 01:07:57,030 --> 01:08:03,870 I'm really happy to report that the event included very civil conversation about the candidates as well as discussion on state ballot measures. 383 01:08:04,530 --> 01:08:12,330 And lastly, our work group partnered with campus and district marketing to promote voter registration information deadlines via social media, Canvas, and other outlets. 384 01:08:12,720 --> 01:08:19,260 And so with that, I want to turn it over to Interim Dean of Student Learning Monica Garcia to outline our first recommended priority for spring 2021. 385 01:08:21,720 --> 01:08:24,930 Monica Garcia: Good afternoon, everyone. I hope everyone can hear me. 386 01:08:26,220 --> 01:08:26,730 So, 387 01:08:28,290 --> 01:08:39,030 our first initiative is to possibly hold or host a representative or a panel of representatives that will walk us through the legislation 388 01:08:39,750 --> 01:08:51,000 process and procedure, and initiatives that are that become laws and and affect students. So, for example, our first initiative is to 389 01:08:51,720 --> 01:09:01,230 invite Assembly member Jacqui Irwin, who is from the 44th district and she is the person who authored AB 705, 390 01:09:02,220 --> 01:09:23,490 and that particular bill, as you all may know, was a huge implication, had huge implications for the California Community College operational part of students getting through their cour- getting assessed in order to assess them to their courses. So it would be interesting to find out where 391 01:09:25,650 --> 01:09:43,860 Jacqui Irwin, or when Assembly woman Jacqui Irwin got the idea the process and really help our students understand our legislation, our legislature process. We've also considered maybe providing a panel of people who were instrumental in passing AB 19, 392 01:09:45,090 --> 01:10:02,760 which is the California College Promise program or SB 728 which is the housing and hunger hardship fund that was established to make funds available for students who are going through hardship and whose assistance emergency assistance is available to them. 393 01:10:03,780 --> 01:10:19,950 So these are all the legislators that truly affects students, and it's important that they understand the process so that they can become more engaged and maybe more interested in the following up or following through or making themselves available to 394 01:10:21,450 --> 01:10:26,430 go in and possibly be a part of the of the change. Next? 395 01:10:33,450 --> 01:10:49,920 Tamarra Coleman: Alright. Hi, I'm Tamarra Coleman English faculty, as a follow up to the training that Kristen talked about the advocacy one on one, one on one training that was offered this fall, the community organizing training would be sort of the next step to that for 396 01:10:51,210 --> 01:11:03,660 folks within our campus community who are interested in learning how to bring groups of people together on different issue areas. Obviously, we have a strong interest in racial and social justice, but these are skills that 397 01:11:04,380 --> 01:11:13,710 the folks can use, not just on racial and social justice issues, but in any issue in which you're trying to bring people together for change or for a particular purpose. 398 01:11:14,610 --> 01:11:19,740 In our group we're also looking at how we can connect this course to other things we are doing. 399 01:11:20,580 --> 01:11:26,790 For example, thinking about what this looks like as possibly a non credit course or a CTE course or pairing it up 400 01:11:27,090 --> 01:11:41,940 with an internship that students could do with community organizations so that they can build those leadership skills in a training or a course like community organizing, many of those skills which are transferable, not just in community organizing, but also in 401 01:11:43,200 --> 01:11:59,370 the business world, but making those connections and figuring out how this could be more than just a single instance sort of course, but something that we can offer our community, our campus community, but also our community off campus folks who may not be taking 402 01:12:00,570 --> 01:12:11,040 courses here in terms of getting a degree, but folks who are already in their career or in an ethnic community organizing course for many different reasons. 403 01:12:11,520 --> 01:12:23,160 So this is again going to be a great opportunity to continue to develop those leadership skills, those advocacy skills, those organizing skills that I think are really crucial in many areas of other person's life, or advancement, or career. 404 01:12:25,260 --> 01:12:25,920 Next slide? 405 01:12:35,730 --> 01:12:43,140 Robert Cabral: Thank you Tammy, I can talk, I can speak to this one. So my name is Robert Cabral I serve as Interim Dean of Student learning and it's been a great honor to be part of this 406 01:12:44,400 --> 01:12:51,210 theme three that focuses on leadership in racial issues and facilitating social justice through civic engagement. 407 01:12:51,600 --> 01:13:09,600 One of the things that we had a chance to talk about in our group is how to contextualize leadership and on racial issues and facilitating justice, social justice for students, and so what we had a discussion at is taking a work based learning model where and applying that 408 01:13:10,740 --> 01:13:16,350 to removing the words career, for instance, career awareness, career exploration, and career preparation. 409 01:13:16,650 --> 01:13:23,100 If we remove the word career and apply this work based learning model, it applies to social justice it sounds something like this. 410 01:13:23,340 --> 01:13:36,300 For awareness building an understanding on the scope of social justice and how it relates to you the student, exploration, diving into learning more specifics about social justice through 411 01:13:36,750 --> 01:13:47,010 working or engaging with nonprofit agencies. Think about what Patty Colman talked about culturally responsive education, it really fits into that theme as well preparation. 412 01:13:47,460 --> 01:14:01,200 Applying learning through experience within nonprofit agency world in developing a social justice interest and skill set. So by taking this body of knowledge or this pathway, 413 01:14:02,190 --> 01:14:08,850 this group found a way how we could collaborate, not only with other themes within this campus, but also with another institution, 414 01:14:09,330 --> 01:14:16,560 and so we created this partnering goal and the partnering goal is partnering actually with Cal Lutheran University Center for Nonprofit Leadership. 415 01:14:17,070 --> 01:14:28,140 Their program, and again, this is thanks very much to Dr. Celine Park and her external effort works with the campus, providing the service learning internship within the social justice framework. 416 01:14:29,070 --> 01:14:31,230 Students would have the ability to not only 417 01:14:31,770 --> 01:14:41,520 engage in a social learning, social justice learning internship, but also have the opportunity to work with Cal Lutheran students through their leadership academy. 418 01:14:41,850 --> 01:14:48,150 So Moorpark College would actually play a role in helping grow students and become more engaged citizens. 419 01:14:48,480 --> 01:14:54,300 We'll be creating an inclusive climate where students are actually feel value through their social justice practices. 420 01:14:54,660 --> 01:15:03,360 The student outcomes that would come from these internships and social justice would be work experience, contextualizing the leadership skill sets from class, 421 01:15:03,690 --> 01:15:16,650 creating and developing relationships within constituents in groups and agencies, developing skill sets and the student focused training from the nonprofit leadership networking opportunities that will, they will have. Thank you. 422 01:15:19,320 --> 01:15:21,660 Mary: Thank you all for group threes. 423 01:15:23,880 --> 01:15:28,230 Can we do the poll, the interaction for group three? Thank you. 424 01:15:31,440 --> 01:15:33,090 Hold a legislative talk. 425 01:15:48,270 --> 01:15:52,650 So these are with Leadership on Racial Issues and Civic Engagement polls. 426 01:15:58,080 --> 01:15:58,920 The second poll... 427 01:16:08,580 --> 01:16:10,950 offer a community organizing training. 428 01:16:12,570 --> 01:16:14,280 This is a high priority for Moorpark. 429 01:16:51,810 --> 01:17:00,480 The third poll. If your polls are not showing up, perhaps, do you have at the bottom of yours to click "poll" is that one of your options? 430 01:17:05,160 --> 01:17:13,680 So hopefully you're seeing theme three, action item three, proposed a racial and social justice internship program. 431 01:17:34,290 --> 01:17:48,420 Just as a reminder to to everyone that the town hall is being videotaped and once the closed caption or the captioning is finished, it will be posted and we can also 432 01:17:50,250 --> 01:18:00,360 send out the recordings, and we can also send out a poll survey with the link to the recordings so that we can make sure that we've gotten everybody's feedback so we can 433 01:18:01,110 --> 01:18:12,510 if you feel like you're having some trouble with the polling, we can work on sending out a polling survey with a link to the recording to ensure that we do get your feedback. So thank you. 434 01:18:29,400 --> 01:18:29,790 Okay. 435 01:18:30,900 --> 01:18:32,160 The fourth theme... 436 01:18:37,980 --> 01:18:41,100 Providing Culturally Responsive Student Services. 437 01:18:50,190 --> 01:18:54,000 And to present that group. We've got Johnny, do you want to start us off? 438 01:18:54,450 --> 01:18:56,910 Johnny Conley: No, I think, Marnie, Marnie. Next slide. I believe the first slide. 439 01:18:57,540 --> 01:18:58,740 [Marnie Melendez]: On the first slide. Okay. [Johnny]: Yes. 440 01:18:58,920 --> 01:18:59,910 Marnie: First slide please. 441 01:19:02,340 --> 01:19:10,920 Hi. So our theme is theme four culturally competent student services. Next slide? 442 01:19:13,800 --> 01:19:16,470 So we had three subgroups. 443 01:19:17,490 --> 01:19:24,810 So what are the sub group is commitment, the other is cultural competency, and then the other one is community. Next slide? 444 01:19:29,220 --> 01:19:30,240 So, 445 01:19:31,470 --> 01:19:42,000 one of the things that we heard Dr. Sokenu talk about is the mission of the college and as we evolve with all this professional development 446 01:19:42,510 --> 01:19:52,140 in regards to social and racial justice, we need our mission and our vision of the college to evolve and to evolve with our students values, 447 01:19:52,530 --> 01:20:00,690 the stuff that they're asking for, the stuff that they need us to do, and so this is something that we are working on in our group. 448 01:20:01,320 --> 01:20:13,380 And so we, another thing that we wanted to do is we went on an immediate statement of solidarity with the Black community and it could be as simple as 449 01:20:13,980 --> 01:20:24,840 this, I don't know if you can see this example of the statement that Moorpark College stands in solidarity with the Black community to end systematic racism, oppression, and inequality. Next slide. 450 01:20:28,470 --> 01:20:41,640 So the recommendations out of this sub group is to have a Moorpark College post a statement in support of the Black Lives Matter movement on the web page. 451 01:20:42,450 --> 01:20:48,330 For example, Academic Senate has already approved a resolution supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. 452 01:20:48,990 --> 01:21:02,370 Students Services as a whole will be developing a statement, and we really need the campus as a whole to participate in real dialogue, fearless inquiry, 453 01:21:03,120 --> 01:21:20,790 the deliberate action that will align community colleges with the core beliefs that systematic racism has no place in our society. So these are some of the recommendations that we want to propose to the group. Next slide. I think that would be 454 01:21:21,930 --> 01:21:22,920 our next lead. 455 01:21:27,990 --> 01:21:35,640 Deborah Brackley: Good afternoon, everyone. Our piece is cultural competence and student services. Next slide please. 456 01:21:37,260 --> 01:21:46,920 So one of the things that we are focused on right now is our group is developing a culturally competent training for all employees that would be 457 01:21:47,820 --> 01:21:57,330 delivered on during Flex week and all employees will be invited. The research was based on and inspired by Dr. Frank Harris, 458 01:21:58,020 --> 01:22:06,060 Who's come to our campus several times to provide training. This training would be a three pronged approach focusing on three major strategies: 459 01:22:07,020 --> 01:22:18,240 conveying unconditional regard, building relationships, humanizing yourself, and in this training we would be providing concrete examples of how to achieve these things. 460 01:22:19,650 --> 01:22:26,250 We would also be providing a self-reflection assessment tool kit that everybody would get at the end of the training, 461 01:22:27,870 --> 01:22:45,600 And the last thing I wanted to share is we have a tutor and a member of our group that has been working with the student athletes for the last two years, and she's done a fabulous job of building relationships, and she was working with the students and posed a question. 462 01:22:46,890 --> 01:22:57,990 What do people get wrong about you? And our group really wanted a homegrown approach. So this was a very excellent example of one of our students speaking to us about some of the misconceptions 463 01:22:58,350 --> 01:23:04,830 of him. So if you could play that video. This is Kenny and he's gonna answer that question for you. 464 01:23:07,560 --> 01:23:08,070 I hope... 465 01:23:12,180 --> 01:23:14,430 Jasmine Betka: So what do you think people get wrong about you? 466 01:23:16,770 --> 01:23:23,700 Kenny Ward: I think one of the main things being a Black athlete is that we don't, or that I don't care about school necessarily like 467 01:23:24,210 --> 01:23:32,250 I don't want to pay attention in class. I'm just there to get a C or something, just so I can get my scholarship, which is completely the opposite 'cause 468 01:23:32,670 --> 01:23:39,540 I crave knowledge, you know, knowledge is power. So in my mind I want to do the best that I can with the tools that I'm given 469 01:23:40,050 --> 01:23:45,900 just so I can make it you know because football is not going to be there when I'm 40 just because, you know, your body wears out and stuff so, 470 01:23:46,350 --> 01:23:54,270 being able to have something to fall back on, you know, school's is really important. And as we were talking about earlier is just, you know, 471 01:23:54,930 --> 01:24:05,340 I've been, I've been basically trained my whole life to be around sports and I haven't been trained my whole life, you know, to be an academic student, so I feel like that's one of the things that I feel people 472 01:24:05,850 --> 01:24:18,540 look at in a different way is that they always see me as an athlete, but not as a person that wants to learn more about any said topic, just 'cause I'm not good at it, doesn't mean I don't want to get better at it. I feel that's 473 01:24:18,590 --> 01:24:21,540 that's probably one of the main things that I just want to... 474 01:24:23,610 --> 01:24:25,920 [Jasmine]: So what do you think people get wrong about you? [The video repeats] 475 01:24:27,150 --> 01:24:32,040 [Deborah]: Okay... [Kenny]: I think one of the main things being a Black athlete... 476 01:24:35,040 --> 01:24:46,740 There we go. All right. We're hoping that Kenny will make it to the training. He was slotted to come, his situation has changed, but the hope is that he will be part of that training. Next slide and Allison is up. 477 01:24:50,700 --> 01:24:55,410 Allison Case Barton: Alright so I'm Allison Barton, I work at the Student Health Center and 478 01:24:56,700 --> 01:25:02,490 so just a few of our accomplishments, and actually many of these are works in progress. 479 01:25:03,540 --> 01:25:04,500 We did have 480 01:25:05,790 --> 01:25:16,050 developed a Canvas name pronunciation procedure. So where that came from was part of the part of unconditional regard that Deb mentioned earlier, 481 01:25:16,380 --> 01:25:26,250 is taking time to pronounce somebody's name correctly. So to that end, we asked Michael Ashton to develop a Canvas name pronunciation procedure that 482 01:25:26,910 --> 01:25:39,150 professors can assign students, not only does it make the task of learning how to pronounce people's names easier, but it also creates a cultural norm of respect for students and professors. 483 01:25:39,810 --> 01:25:52,710 So these other items are again a work in progress. We're, we're working diligently with our awesome sub group to come up with a working definition of cultural competence. 484 01:25:54,090 --> 01:26:06,540 We're designing the training that Deb mentioned, and we're also developing an online toolkit, as we speak, that will be housed on a page somewhere, hopefully we'll have an equity website for the 485 01:26:06,990 --> 01:26:16,500 for the college or something like that. So that anything that we come up with people could have access to 24 7, and that's it. Thank you. 486 01:26:18,810 --> 01:26:24,900 Mary: Thank you so much. If we look at the interacting questions for group four... 487 01:26:29,910 --> 01:26:32,100 Johnny: There are a couple extra slides that I can run through in a bit. 488 01:26:32,130 --> 01:26:33,600 Mary: Oh I'm sorry, excuse me. 489 01:26:34,050 --> 01:26:45,450 Johnny: No worries. So we had a third sub group for our larger group four and that sub group was focused on the community at Moorpark. So we're looking to host a student driven town halls. 490 01:26:46,620 --> 01:26:57,180 Using those town halls really get feedback from our students, and then also using some of that data that qualitative data on how we can advocate student spaces on our campus. Next slide? 491 01:26:59,400 --> 01:27:17,130 Save the date. So our town hall that we held ourself too earlier this semester, was to host a town hall. So you all save the date, please. December 2, 4:30 to 5:30 working with Oleg and his IR team to pull our entire student body, 492 01:27:18,150 --> 01:27:27,150 pertaining to students that may have experienced biased, or racist, or culturally insensitive experiences in student services. 493 01:27:28,320 --> 01:27:41,100 So we are working with his team to gather all of that qualitative data. Any identifying measures with names and programs we have a team that would exclude all that in this town hall. 494 01:27:41,970 --> 01:27:50,700 So save the date. Encourage your students to participate. We're working on an email that should go out to the to the student body hopefully by the end of next week, 495 01:27:51,480 --> 01:28:06,900 to give them a few days to actually participate in the poll and then on the 2nd we'll have a panel of students as well as breakout sessions, and kind of have themes and kind of see what themes or issues that some students are experiencing in our, in our division. 496 01:28:08,970 --> 01:28:10,950 And the next slide is really just a questions. 497 01:28:13,110 --> 01:28:18,120 Mary: Thank you, Johnny. Sorry about that. So if we go back to the, go to the poll questions. 498 01:28:21,360 --> 01:28:25,620 Posted a statement on the Moorpark College website in support of Black Lives Matter. 499 01:28:43,290 --> 01:28:44,250 The second outcome. 500 01:28:52,110 --> 01:28:56,250 Develop resources to support culturally responsive student services. 501 01:29:00,090 --> 01:29:03,570 It's that priority at Moorpark and then the tier order. 502 01:29:30,300 --> 01:29:31,440 Next poll question. 503 01:29:37,230 --> 01:29:40,740 Enhance student feedback channels to hear student voices. 504 01:30:10,830 --> 01:30:11,940 The next poll question. 505 01:30:28,590 --> 01:30:36,450 Okay, thank you for participating. We just wanted to do the polls to get people's input on that. There was a question as to where the 506 01:30:37,530 --> 01:30:43,320 tape, the videotape will be recorded and the results we will have to be able to post those online. 507 01:30:43,800 --> 01:30:49,050 And we'll have it in several places and we will send out information. I'm sure it'll be on the President's 508 01:30:49,680 --> 01:31:00,060 web page, which is where we have all of our Moorpark Updates and I know there is work a lot of talk about having an equity web page where this would be a certainly appropriate to put as well. 509 01:31:00,810 --> 01:31:13,830 The town hall could also be go to our planning websites. So we'll end up putting a couple of links for it available for you on that. So thank you, and Julius do you... 510 01:31:15,240 --> 01:31:17,070 some closing comments for us, please? [Julius]: Sure. 511 01:31:19,860 --> 01:31:26,580 Thank you everyone for joining us this afternoon, the work that we're doing here 512 01:31:27,660 --> 01:31:30,030 on the budget, as well as in our social justice 513 01:31:32,250 --> 01:31:46,140 direct imperative is central to the soul and the future of this college, and I want to thank you each and every one of you for that for doing this work. From this 514 01:31:46,590 --> 01:31:56,880 town hall, a couple of things popped up, and as I was thinking through what we're doing and listening to your presentations. On the budget front, we know that 515 01:31:57,960 --> 01:32:12,750 there's increases to the cost of doing business, and that it, that there's the possible budget reductions about to be undertaken. We also know that they're unfunded liabilities, such as the SCFF 516 01:32:14,400 --> 01:32:26,430 funding that has not come through in the past two years, and that, that offers an opportunity when it does finally come through to support the work that we do here at the college in a much more robust way. 517 01:32:27,810 --> 01:32:28,590 I want to put, 518 01:32:29,730 --> 01:32:42,960 emphasize that whatever work we do regarding budget and budget reductions that we will be doing it in a consultative way, that there is engaging our stakeholders that matters, and that 519 01:32:43,950 --> 01:33:02,310 I appreciate Jennifer's reference with fine scalpel as opposed to a chainsaw, as a way to engage and do this work. At the end of the day, really, we're here for students and we have to make sure that the work to develop systems that support that success, their success. 520 01:33:03,960 --> 01:33:15,420 As far as work on social justice, I am in awe of the energy, of the commitment, of the thought, and of the overall 521 01:33:16,320 --> 01:33:27,930 vision that has gone into the work that each of these groups has undertaken, and this is a true reflection of our college community. 522 01:33:28,890 --> 01:33:40,800 This tells me that we have a college that is invested in doing the work of equity, we have a college that's invested in making sure that we're inclusive in our practices, 523 01:33:41,280 --> 01:33:52,470 and most importantly, this tells me that we are all committed to making sure that our students experience irrespective where they come from, irrespective of what they look like, 524 01:33:52,860 --> 01:34:01,050 that our students experience Moorpark college as a welcoming, as an inspiring, and as a supportive place. 525 01:34:01,650 --> 01:34:15,390 We have to contextualize the work that we're doing regards to social justice and I think a focal point of that context is that this is about creating community and this is about enforcing and empowering 526 01:34:16,680 --> 01:34:21,480 students to be the very best and to empower ourselves to be our very best. 527 01:34:21,960 --> 01:34:29,460 That means that it is challenging. That means that it is difficult. That means that it requires courageous and difficult conversations, 528 01:34:29,910 --> 01:34:35,010 but that also means that if we truly commit to do it, it will be better off at the end of all of this. 529 01:34:35,340 --> 01:34:43,680 We are doing the work of system change. We're doing the work of cultural enhancement. We're also doing the work of living up to the 530 01:34:44,100 --> 01:34:51,120 ideals that we as a college have set for ourselves. Thank you, everyone. Thank you so much for the work you continue to do. 531 01:34:51,630 --> 01:35:00,300 This is an ongoing conversation, of course, but it is a conversation that requires participation from all stakeholders. 532 01:35:00,660 --> 01:35:08,430 If you're not participating, please do connect with one of these groups. You can see the work that they do. You can see the investment that they have, 533 01:35:08,760 --> 01:35:18,810 in making sure that our budget, making sure that our community, and making sure that we are treating everybody with equity and that we're an anti racist institution. 534 01:35:19,560 --> 01:35:30,750 At the end of the day, we're here to build a community and a culture to give on to our next generation to go give to the faculty and the staff who will be here 30 years from now. 535 01:35:31,350 --> 01:35:40,860 We celebrate and appreciate the culture that's been handed down to us. We know we need to do some work to modify aspects of it, but that this college has always been invested 536 01:35:41,760 --> 01:35:55,110 in what's best for students. What's best for students is a safe learning environment that embraces all their identities. It's a safe work environment that embraces all our identities. 537 01:35:55,710 --> 01:36:06,630 It is not free of conflict, it is not free of struggle, but it is one that leans into that conflict and that struggle and looks to make the best of the campus. Thank you so much. Have a great weekend.